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Title: Invertor experience in Finland
Authors: Messner, Melanie
Issue Date: Nov-2018
Publisher: INTERCONS – Intercâmbio Conscienciológico Internacional
Abstract: When I meet conscientiology researchers, I am often asked about my experience as an Invertor in Finland. Even though I should already have enough experience to respond to that question, the answer is not simple and straight forward, because the experience of an Invertor (and any Conscientiologist for that matter) is always multifaceted, multidimensional and multiexistential. In order to share my experience in Finland, I need to firstly talk about my experience in Europe and also my experience in the intermissive course that led to this moment in time. My experience in Finland is a snapshot in time and is the result of many other prior occurrences. Let me take you on a multidimensional journey, that led me half around the world.
URI: http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/309
Appears in Collections:Ano V – N. 5 – Novembro 2018

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