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dc.contributor.authorTschud, Regina
dc.contributor.authorWagner, Dr. Christel
dc.description.abstractO artigo enfatiza a importância da aprendizagem centrada no aluno e aprendizagem pelo ensino na reeducação e Parapedagogia, que facilita os alunos a desenvolver a autonomia consciencial ea responsabilidade pessoal para o seu processo evolutivo através da auto-reeducação. Com base nas metarreflexões das autoras em relação à sua experiência pessoal durante a sua participação no primeiro Curso Internacional de Desenvolvimento de Professores de Conscienciologia (CIDC) oferecidos pela Reaprendentia (2015/2016) o artigo propõe a integração do modelo didáctico "aprender ensinando" para um workshop com o objetivo de desenvolver a auto -incorruptibilidade. Nesta linha, o artigo apresenta um plano de curso para uma oficina-piloto, que os autores começaram a elaborar. Tem como objetivo proporcionar oportunidades aos estudantes para se tornar muito prático no desenvolvimento de uma estratégia individual para enfrentar auto-corrupção, integrando o método didático de aprender ensinando.
dc.description.abstractThe article emphasises the importance of student-centered learning and learning by teaching in reeducation and parapedagogy, which facilitates students to de- velop consciential autonomy and personal responsibility for their evolutionary process through self-reeducation. Based on the authors´ metareflections regarding their personal experience while participating in the 1st International Conscientiology Instructor Development Course (CIDC) offered by Reaprendentia 2015/2016 the article proposes the integration of the didactic model "learning by teaching" for a workshop aiming to develop self-incorruptibility. In this line, the article presents a course plan for a workshop-pilot, which the authors started to elaborate. It aims to provide opportunities for students to become very practical in developing an individual strategy to face self-corruptions, integrating the didactical method of learning by teaching.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRevista Parapedagogia
dc.subjectexemplarismo pessoal
dc.subjectauto-incorrupti- bilidade
dc.subjectaprender ensinando
dc.subjectRevista de Parapedagogia 1 INTRODUCTION 1
dc.subject1 Impulses for self-reeducation: 1st International Conscientiology Instructor Development Course Impulse
dc.subjectThis research had its start with the authors´ participation in the 1st International Conscientiology Instructor Development Course (CIDC) offered by Reaprendentia
dc.subjectfrom October 2015 to July 2016
dc.subjectDuring this course
dc.subjectwhich lasted nine month and offered intense learning
dc.subjectconnecting several specialties by discussing the main pillars of Conscientiology
dc.subjectthe authors acknowledged the importance of personal exemplarism as crucial for their future teaching and personal recycling
dc.subjectPersonal exemplarism
dc.subjectOne important topic
dc.subjectwhich triggered the process during the CIDC was personal exemplarism
dc.subjectgoing along with authenticity and coherence
dc.subjectThis lead to a self-confrontation with some patterns
dc.subjectwhich need to be reno- vated
dc.subjectThe process of participation in the CIDC propelled the authors´ need to study their personal self-corruptibility on a deeper level
dc.subjectThis topic occurred when the authors studied personal exemplarism
dc.subjectfollowed by a personal exchange of their experiences and opinions
dc.subjectThis created an atmosphere of openness in their communication and lead to the recognition of some similarities in the authors´ biographies and the analysis of related traits and self-corruptions
dc.subjectParapedagogical field
dc.subjectThe authors state the hypothesis
dc.subjectthat the parapedagogical field of the CIDC created the open-mindedness which was necessary for the authors to confront them- selves with the topics
dc.subjectenabling a process of self-reeducation
dc.subjectDuring this process the authors exchanged their experiences and realized some self-corruptions which turned out as obstacles in their personal exemplarism
dc.subjecttheir authen- ticity
dc.subjecttheir recycling process and last but not least in the execution of their proexis
dc.subjectAs a result the authors started in May 2016 to develop a project among them in order to give mutual support in overcoming their self-corruptions and to search for appropriate tools and techniques to do so
dc.subjectGoing further the authors had the idea
dc.subjectto create a workshop related to this topic
dc.subjectpassing on the information
dc.subjectgained by self-experimentation throughout the project
dc.subjectin order to provide assistance for others
dc.subjectwho might face the same difficulties
dc.subjectDuring the CIDC the authors gathered more self-knowledge and appre- ciated the dynamic of learning by teaching as a catalyst for interassistance
dc.subjectThinking about how to structure a workshop
dc.subjecthad several effects on the authors: . To work on personal self-corruptions along the line of personal exemplarism . Gaining deeper understanding for the process how to facilitate self-reeducation by putting oneself in the shoes of a student . Reflecting how to integrate student-centered learning in future conscientiological courses . Studying the method "learning by teaching" with the goal to integrate this in the work- shop
dc.subjectas a new form of learning experience for students
dc.subjectleading to self-reeducation on a deeper level
dc.subjectLearning by teaching: a didactic model to link reeducation with self-reeducation
dc.subjectpersonal exemplarismen_US
dc.subjectlearning by teachingen_US
dc.titleLearning By Teaching: A Didactic Model To Link Reeducation With Self-Reeducation, Introduced By A Workshop For Developing Self-Incorruptibilitypt_BR
dc.titleAprender Ensinando: Um Modelo Didático Para Unir A Reeducação Com A Autorreeducação, Introduzido Por Uma Oficina Para O Desenvolvimento Da Auto-Incorruptibilidadeen_US
Appears in Collections:ANO 6, NÚMERO 6, OUTUBRO DE 2016

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