After practicing penta for 8 weeks the author analyzed if the extraphysical consciousness (epc) who linked up to her during penta sessions was a helper or a blind-guide. The investigation was performed by identifying a distinct psychic signal of the penta epc. Furthermore a list of characteristics and a list of thosenic imprints was established to distinguish helpers from blind-guides as well
as a list of likely effects which a penta practitioner will experience, if penta is performed correctly over a longer period of time. Based on these lists the author made short-term and long-term observations and conducted tests to identify the characteristics of the penta epc. The test as well as long-term observation of her own consciential development led to the conclusion that the penta epc was indeed a helper. In addition several blind-guides were identified which accompanied the author at other occasions.
In July 2010, the author started practicing penta. She was able to identify the linking up of an extraphysical consciousness (epc) as well as energetic exteriorization. After practicing penta for 8 weeks she started to investigate if the epc was a helper or a blind-guide.