This article aims to present theories of interdimensional assistance based on the experience of exteriorization of ectoplasm, in situ in Africa and in Brazil. Subsequently,
the concept of assistantial proximity is explained along with attempts to more deeply
understand the multidimensional interassistantial maximechanism and the relationship
between one’s location and the region or pararegion where the assistance is applied.
Lastly, the article contemplates techniques to improve one’s actuation within the maximechanism. The methodology was based on personal experiences, both physical and
parapsychic, which showed how specific assistantial processes substantially change based on one’s physical location.
Assistantial proximity is a new concept formulated as a result of facts experienced, subsequent reflection on those facts, and the study of related themes. It is related to the conscientiological specialities of assistantiology, interassistantiology, and maximechanismology (Vieira, 2014, p. 111), along with a speciality being proposed here, minipieceology, and seeks to give a name to some areas that study part of the workings of the maximechanism.