This article proposes a nuclear family groupkarmic theoretical scheme based on an ego defensive mechanism psychological concept, the projection. The article initially introducts the theme context, defines the objective and clarifies its relevance. The methodology is described, consisting on the author´s extensive life experience on the subject such as, readings, conscientiological courses, conscienciotherapy, conventional therapy, family and group observations, planed experiments, writings and publications. Then, the article presents the literature review pertinent to the discussion and elaborates the arguments explaining and supporting the proposed nuclear family groupkarmic theoretical scheme.
Finally, it concludes suggesting the intermissivist to give the proper importance to the nuclear family not only as a proexis starting point, but also as an environment to identify the recycling priorities, the megalocks. Thereby, he or she could take an evolutionary leap, increase the self-wellbeing and gain moral authority to assist the family and beyond.
Aiming at helping the intermissivist on this journey, there is an illustrative schematic indicating the traps to be avoided along the way.
In my 8 years of Conscientiology, throughout my own experience, readings, self and hetero-observations, I have seen that the groupkarma, at a nuclear family level, is one of the most complex and difficult themes to deal with in intraphysical life, on a daily basis, not theoretically, but in theorice.