As autoras compartilham 5 experiências com acesso a holopensenes homeostáticos, assistenciais e avançados, apresentados em forma de relatos e sugerem técnicas aplicadas para o mapeamento desse padrão holopensênico. Por meio de projeções lúcidas e parapercepções impressivas do ambiente, as autoras supõem a possibilidade de o Homo sapiens serenissimus (Serenão) eventualmente se tornar visível durante ação assistencial com grupo de assistidos extrafísicos, em paravivências projetivas similares das autoras. Foi utilizado método qualitativo, com autopesquisa descritiva de campos homeostáticos próximos ao serenismo. Como achados, as autoras observaram crescendo assistencial egocarma-grupocarma-policarma em atividades multidimensionais, priorização e investimento no aprimoramento da autopensenidade e tecnicidade na projetabilidade lúcida (PL).
The authors share 5 experiences of accessing advanced, assistantial, homeostatic holothosenes. The accounts suggest techniques to scan such holothosenic pattern. Through lucid projections and impressive paraperceptions of the environment, the authors hypothesize a serenissimus can make themselves visible during some assistantial
action involving an extraphysical assisted group in projective paraexperiences like those experienced by the authors. The qualitative method used in this research involved
descriptive self-research of homeostatic fields nearing serenismus. As a finding, the authors have observed the assistantial crescendo egokarma-groupkarma-polykarma in
multidimensional activities, with prioritization of and investment in the improvement of self-thosenity and technicity of lucid projections.
The authors share 5 experiences of accessing advanced, assistantial, homeostatic holothosenes. The accounts suggest techniques to scan such holothosenic pattern. Through lucid projections and impressive paraperceptions of the environment, the authors hypothesize a serenissimus can make themselves visible during some assistantial
action involving an extraphysical assisted group in projective paraexperiences like those experienced by the authors. The qualitative method used in this research involved
descriptive self-research of homeostatic fields nearing serenismus. As a finding, the authors have observed the assistantial crescendo egokarma-groupkarma-polykarma in
multidimensional activities, with prioritization of and investment in the improvement of self-thosenity and technicity of lucid projections.