Vol 28 - Supplement 1 - July 2024


Recent Submissions

  • Oliveira, Nilse; Fresiansd, Izilda; Seno, Ana; Bottino, Maurício; Lima, Andrêssa (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
  • Balona, Málu (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    The objective of this paper is to review the outcomes achieved with the cosmoethical paranormative-theatical model of the consciential neoparadigm, through the guiding thread of the holomemoriology specialty on self-research ...
  • Royer, Valdirene Meselira (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper aims to describe the paramethodology used in the Acoplamentarium course, based on the consciential paradigm as a tool for self-research, development of parapsychism, and enhancement of consciential attributes. ...
  • Lopes, Adriana (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper addresses the relevance of multidimensional research as a resource to compose and expand one’s cognitive baggage capable of supporting success in the exercise of evolutionary self-discernment, aiming to encourage ...
  • Almeida, Andreia; Calinsque, Jéssica Montebello (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    Conscientiocentric Institutions (CIs) assume in their statutory bases the objective of developing, researching, self-researching, and presenting neoverpons in one or more specialties within conscientiology. For this ...
  • Seno, Ana (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper focuses on thosenating know-how, one of the six communicative competencies proposed by this author-researcher in the book Evolutionary Communication in Consciential Interactions (Seno, 2013), deepening the ...
  • Munaretti, Andreza (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    Infancy is defined as the period after resoma, from birth to pre-adolescence, characterized by significant intraphysical restriction. This paper aims to establish the foundations of the Infanciology Research Programme, ...
  • Moreno, Igor; Avelino, Kelly Weires; Lopes, Diego; Leite, Deborah (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    Invexology is the scientific field or specialty that studies the philosophy, the technique, and the practice of invexis, or existential inversion, in intraphysicology. The initial milestone of this conscientiological ...
  • Gilaberte, Cristiane (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    The central theme of this paper is the history of the groupkarmometrology specialty. The general objective is to provide an overview of the development of the groupkarmometrology specialty and highlight the importance of ...
  • Zaslavsky, Alexandre; Ribeiro, Luciana; Hoffmann, Adriana; Vinha, Marina; Brito, Vivian (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    Interparadigmology is central to the study of the connections and possibilities of dialogue between the consciential paradigm and other paradigms. The communication between paradigms takes place intra and extraconscientially, ...
  • Marques, Fabio; Zolet, Simone (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    The objective of this paper is to share the main findings and research self-reflections arising from the theatical study of interassistantial leaderology initiated at the Invisible College of Leaderology in 2014, in ...
  • Daou, Dulce (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    The innovative character of the Encyclopaedia of Conscientiology (EC), as a theorical fulcrum of the neoscience, is fed daily by the publication and singular presentation of differentiated labcons, composing a harmonic, ...
  • Loche, Laênio (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper aims to discuss paraepistemology, the science behind proexis, or existential programming. Although there may be an immediate perception that proexology is a sector or line within a larger field of knowledge – ...
  • Tornieri, Sandra; Caldas, Milces; Formolo, Clari (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper presents the holophilosophical principles of signaleticology, its proposition, and the paraphenomenon of personal parapsychic signaletics as its main object and research topic, to substantiate the neoscience, ...
  • Alves, Cinthia Pereira (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper is the result of a partial analysis of larger ongoing research. This author’s specialty is the study of emotions in the context of human relationships, and this was the motivating factor for the beginning of ...
  • Marchioli, Rodrigo (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    The present paper assesses the definition and categorization of consciousness from the perspective of conscientiology. It begins with a succinct presentation of the panorama of the main explanatory theories about consciousness, ...
  • Remedios, Juliana; Almeida, Marco; Haymann, Maximiliano (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper aims to address aspects relevant to the recinological movement of the OIC volunteers in light of the writing of the Dictionary of Conscientiotherapeuticology with Equivalent Multilingual Terms (2022). The joint ...
  • Vogt, Anne-Catrin; Vicenzi, Eduardo (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    This paper aims to present a method to produce leading-edge relative truths (verpons) in parareurbanology, and propose new concepts, aspects, and approaches regarding extraphysical reurbanization. The methodology used in ...
  • Fernandes, Pedro (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    Verponology can be considered one of the main specialties of conscientiology due to its intrinsically innovative and recyclogenic nature, fundamental conditions for maintaining conscientiological parascientificity. This ...
  • Ramiro, Marta; Salvetti, Marina G.; Gonçalves, Carla Beatrice Crivellaro; Strachicini, Wagner (Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology - CEAEC, 2024-07)
    The objective of this paper is to describe the steps taken and the methodology used for the initial proposal of the synoptic table of recexology. Methodology: scope review developed from the identification and quantification ...

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