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Option for Self-deintrusion (verbet No. 2009)

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dc.contributor.author Lopes, Adriana
dc.date.accessioned 2024-12-04T17:35:38Z
dc.date.available 2024-12-04T17:35:38Z
dc.date.issued 2021-08
dc.identifier.issn 2764-3182
dc.identifier.uri http://reposicons.org/jspui/handle/123456789/9429
dc.description.abstract The option for self-deintrusion is the lucid conscin’s decision to position themselves, go through, dominate, face, break, overcome, supplant and transpose intra and extraphysical intrusion pressures, constituting the first step capable of impelling actions that hygienize one’s own psychosphere, providing the mental clarity necessary for determination in self and heterodeintruding acts. pt_BR
dc.language.iso en pt_BR
dc.publisher ISIC/CEAEC pt_BR
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol 1;N. 1
dc.subject Selfdeintrusion pt_BR
dc.subject Heterodeintrusion pt_BR
dc.title Option for Self-deintrusion (verbet No. 2009) pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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