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Título: Teaching Existential Inversion in an International Office
Autor(es): Melidosian, Ashley
Data do documento: 2010
Editor: Associação Internacional para a Evolução da Consciência – ARACÊ
Resumo: In this article the author shares her experience of practicingand teaching the technique of existential inversion in the United States. The article outlines recommendations for presenting the topic of existential inversion to people who have not had much exposure to the idea (as was the case in the US). The author argues that an effective way to introduce existential inversion in a new setting is to approach it head-on in a straightforward fashion. This approach offers greater respect to the students as well as their intermissive course. The author has studied the topic of existential inversion since 2002 and later wrote and taught the course “Who, What, Where of Existential Inversion”, in New York, NY, September, 2010.
Descrição: Existential Inversion is an evolutionary strategy, started at a young age, to help the person to align themselves with the values from their intermissive course. The technique can assist the person to evolutionarily grow in the most effective way possible in the intraphysical dimension through the prioritization of lucidity and maturity.
ISSN: 1983-1331
Aparece nas coleções:Ano 10 – N.08 – 2010

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