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Título : Interassistance in Africa
Autor : Lloyd, Jeffrey
Fecha de publicación : sep-2015
Editorial : INTERCONS – Intercâmbio Conscienciológico Internacional
Resumen : I lived alone in Africa for an extended period (129 days) in a new environment, accompanied by very few personal items, and where essentially each day had the same structure, diet, timings, commitments and involved encounters with the same people in the same contexts. Although this may sound tedious, it provided a profound opportunity to discern nuances within my own manifestation and in the external environment. In this manner, an elaboration of self and heteroconscientiality and self and interassistance was facilitated.
URI : http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/276
Aparece en las colecciones: Ano II – N. 2 – Setembro 2015

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