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Título : Is Penta in the USA Different than in Brazil?
Otros títulos : Praticar Tenepes nos EUA é Diferente de no Brasil?
¿Practicar Teneper en los EUA es Diferente de en Brasil?
Autor : Lloyd, Jane
Palabras clave : Consciential constructivism
Penta practitioner
Construtivismo consciencial
Construtivismo conciencial
Fecha de publicación : abr-2011
Editorial : Associação Internacional do Centro de Altos Estudos da Conscienciologia
Resumen : The author addresses the question of whether penta is different when the setting changes. Using the methodology of consciential constructivism, proposed by the author at the 2nd International Symposium on Conscientiological Research, the article’s objective is to offer a preliminary analysis, outlining areas of similarity and difference. It also raises questions for further research for both international and Brazil-based penta practitioners.
Descripción : When first invited to speak on the international panel at this VII Fórum da Tenepes, the natural question arose: is penta different in an international setting? Having an international panel in some ways presupposes that some differences must exist. And if so, what are they? The objective of the article is to answer this question while also examining how this could be analyzed, including examining whether I was holding any assumptions on the matter and, finally, to outline the results of my analysis.
URI : http://reposicons.org/jspui/handle/123456789/7719
ISSN : 1415-5125
Aparece en las colecciones: Vol. 15 - N. 2 - 2011

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